Wednesday 26 February 2014

My Pizza Crunch

My Pizza Crunch is a homey restaurant which sell homemade pizza with affordable price from Rp.13.000. They have variety of pizza for pizza lovers, such as: tuna, ham, chicken, smokebeef, sausage, cheese, strawberry, etc. Besides,they have delicious steak and spicy chicken wing.

I am glad that I had the opportunity to have a short interview with the owner of My Pizza Crunch, Mr Iwan.
Before he started My Pizza Cruch, he had an experience at fishering field. He decided to quite the fishering field as he found out it needs a lot of modals and is too risky for him. His major at his university is a hotel management. After few years at hotel industry, he felt that his character doesn't fit the hotel industry. However, when he was at hotel industry, he was trained to be more decipline, neat and tidy. Besides, he realise the important of customer service. After that, he worked as event planner. He is trained to be more creatife and self-thinking. He realise the important of creative ideas to attract people. When he was at fishering field, he realise that every business has its own risk.
His advice for people who want to start a business is measure your own ability and follow a plan which matches your ability. Besides, he stressed that never try or do things which beyond your ability and limit. He also doesn't encourage people to get a loan from bank as the modal for the business.He believes that even with limited modal and cash, business still can be run and manage but only in a smaller size. He will only try to expand his business when he has confidence and done the market research.
The special Lava Pizza that I have tried.

He stopped working for a year as he felt himself was stuck in life and hardly move forward. He tried to figure out what is his passion for life instead of keep repeating the boring routines to pay the bills. His wife always support and encourage him and never try to give pressure to him. On day, his wife said,"Sience you love to eat and cook, why don't you start cooking something which enjoyed by everyone? You may earn a living by doing what you love to do. Don't you think so?".

He start to think about his wife advice seriously. He had thought about franchise but it was over his budget. He flipped through a magazine which introduce the restaurant in Malang. He realise that there is no crunchy pizza with thin crust in Malang. He feels that this is his great opportunity.

He started his pizza business by delivering order as he try to introduce a new experience for the Malang people that they can enjoy delicious pizza and steak at their home. Besides, he could save part of his modal by not running a restaurant. 

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